Friday, June 28, 2013

If spray painting is wrong, then baby I don't ever wanna be right!

This morning I was staring at this sad little silver(ish) cake stand I've had sitting in the middle of our kitchen table, which holds random stuff.  I actually bought 2 of these on clearance at Target last year after Christmas, so I decided to give this one a mini makeover! 

I bought this can of spray paint at Michael's. You don't NEED a primer coat for something like this.  Always make sure to put out some newspaper or something underneath it, before spraying. The best way to cover it is by using short sprays and not just holding down the button. Sometimes there'll be areas that aren't completely covered but you can go over them a second time and they will be. 

 After spraying it, I left it outside to dry for a few hours. When it was dry I put back on the table. It's going to dress up our craft table for tomorrow's little girls craft night! 

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