Monday, October 28, 2013

My First Blogger Conference: Blended

It's almost a month later and I still smile when I think about how much fun I had at the Blended Conference. Blended was a one day event held in Tempe, Arizona at the Double Tree by Hilton. It's a beautiful property to stay at and when you check-in you're always greeted with a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie! (They were so generous that we got a cookie when we checkout out, too!) In the case of Blended attendees checking in, each one of us was also given one of these adorable Shamrock Farms coolers, which were filled with goodies for our hotel room. There was a bottle of half & half, some milk, 3 flavored sour creams and chips to dip them in! Shamrock Farms was one of the generous sponsors of the conference!
Blended was my first blogger conference and I wasn't sure what to expect prior to attending. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was excited to meet both of the SUPER ladies responsible for the great conference, mainly because they're both named Wendy also! I just KNEW we were meant to meet! I was also excited to hear all of the guest speakers' presentations! Normally, I'm not a shy person but I would say I was bit intimidated going in, just because I'm so new to the blogging world. Although I've been a blog reader for years, I hadn't actually sat down to blog on my own until this past summer. I brought my best outfit, a pad of paper for note taking and a stack of my pretty new business cards that were designed by Tania Fischer Designs. (And seriously, my cards turned out SOOO cute! You'll see them in this picture amongst some my new blogger friends' cards that I got at the conference)
It was great to connect with some of the other ladies at the informal meet up on Friday night in the hotel bar. It's always exciting to meet some of the bloggers in person that you've only communicated with online. It was even more exciting to chit chat while we enjoyed some Fairytale Brownies (another one of the conference sponsors) that were in a giant basket on the table! What a great conference sponsor to have! Mmmm!
On the morning of the conference, while I was getting ready, I may or may not have had a solo dance party in my room!  I'm not used to having a big giant room all to myself where I can make as much noise as I want! With my coffee in hand, I dressed in my signature color, pink, and headed over the conference room. It was just the best day! I learned so much from each of the amazing guest speakers, (click here to see the list of talented ladies who presented), talked with some of the conference sponsors that were actually present in the back of the room, ate tons of yummy food, and met so many other bloggers like myself. I also appreciated the break-out groups that were led by Wendy Wright of  Choosing Love and Arizona Moms Network  and Wendy Bevill O'Neal of Around My Family Table,  because you could basically ask them ANY question you might've had about the blogging world. As if all of that wasn't enough, they then held a raffle for  some awesome prizes, including each of the centerpieces in the room.  I actually won one of the centerpieces which had been provided by Fry's Food Stores! My daughter was ECSTATIC when I brought it home!
At the end of our day, we were each given two huge bags filled with even more swag that had been provided by the sponsors! (Click here for a list of ALL of the Blended Conference sponsors) 
These are just some of the business cards I collected! 
Two fun peeps I met that day: Heather from Brie Brie Blooms & Laura from Pink Cake Plate
And after the conference, we kept the party going over at Joe's Crab Shack! As you can see, Laura & I are NOT afraid to wear a bib! 
The entire event was just an amazing experience and I cannot wait to go back next year!
So....the word on the street is that next year's Blended will be a 2-day event! I'm crossing my fingers that it is! To sign up to receive information about next year's event, click here. I hope to meet you there!


  1. It was great to meet you! So glad you came!

  2. Yay, it was so fun to meet you!! Sadly, I still haven't written my recap :(
