Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sometimes Instagram is MORE Than Just Pictures

I love Instagram. I love posting pics, I love interacting with others, and I love seeing the variety of pictures that people share. I love seeing pictures of families and fitness and crafts people have made and DISNEY and recipes....etc. Every once in a great while there are pictures that you scroll by and then scroll back to....sometimes several times. You don't necessarily know the person but then suddenly you almost feel like you want to know them or at least more about them. Today I felt that way about a picture I came across. I have been following this adorable young girl (I'm guessing she's in her 20s) for just a short while. She is in the fight of her life because she's battling breast cancer! I don't know her real name, I don't know where she lives, I post supportive comments, but the fact that she's on Instagram, not only sharing pictures of everything she's going through, but also her thoughts about the cancer is both brave and extremely enlightening for the rest of the world to see! Today I started crying though when I read what she posted with her picture. It was a letter, actually it seemed more like a total PLEA to her cancer. I cried when I read it and then I commented something on her picture and then I read it again.
Here's the picture she posted: 
Here's what she wrote: 
"What's on my mind this morning: my eyelashes. Cancer you've taken my hair, my boobs, my periods, you can take my eyebrows, my toenails, whatever, just please don't take my eyelashes. Pretty please. I'll buy you some ice cream or a cold pop. But ain't nobody got time for that, leave the eyelashes. Thank you! Sincerely yours: The girl who's going to kick your ass!"
I've been thinking about it all day. I feel like I want to know her name. I feel like I want to know her. I know I can't help her much, but even if I can just encourage her and pray for her, I know it's something. Some people think it's silly to exert any of your energy on complete strangers. I don't. Some people don't quite get the power of social media and how it connects strangers sometimes. I'm guessing that the positive support she gets from her Instagram followers actually helps her get through some tough times, like her rounds of chemo.
Luckily, I am a great investigator and I was able to find her and ask for her permission to share. If you'd like to follow this sweet, adorable chick too, just go and look up @screamqueen13 on Instagram! 

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