Saturday, March 8, 2014

When You Lose a Tooth in Disneyland...

Back Story:
When Emi was 5, she had a VERY loose tooth one day when we were at Disneyland. This tooth was literally hanging by a thread and she was very upset about it the entire day. A friend who was with us on that particular visit to the parks, told Emi that she had heard if you lost your tooth inside Disneyland and you buried it somewhere, Tinkerbell would find it, alert The Tooth Fairy about it AND visit your house that night as well! Although that tooth never came out on that visit, Emi never forgot that story.
Fast forward to present day:
Emi has had a loose tooth for some time now and when I picked her up from school the other day, it was so bad that it was literally turned around backwards in her mouth but still attached!
Seriously, what IS this? 
Of course she didn't want me to "help" her and she definitely didn't want her dad to either. (He DEFINITELY knows how to get the job done!) So, she spent all night very upset and had even gone to her school nurse's office to get one of those little tooth necklaces to hold the tooth, WHEN it finally came out. Since Emi knew she was off of school for a couple of days because of parent conferences, I think she knew that a trip to Disneyland was inevitable, since it's our favorite thing to do on days off. She seemed to have the entire thing planned out in her head beforehand because when she woke up, she reminded me of the Tinkerbell tooth story and told me that she was saving her loose tooth for that. She had even planned out the dialogue for her intro video which she had me take, while she stood in front of Pixie Hollow, inside Disneyland.
Here's her video: 
The funniest part about the day was that we spent so much time focusing on the tooth and trying to get it to fall out and it wasn't until we stopped trying that it happened! We ate lunch at The Golden Horseshoe, thinking that might do it. We rode The Teacups. We rode King Arthur's Carrousel. Nothing was working. Nothing!
I must admit that I was very tempted to accidentally bump the tooth out myself. When it was almost time to leave and Emi was growing more upset about the urgency of the situation is when it actually happened! Yep! We stopped by the Snow White Grotto to make a wish and after she bent over to look down into the well and drop a penny....BOOM! She stood back up, had this huge grin on her face, opened her mouth, the tooth rolled out onto her hand and she exclaimed, "Look, I did it!"
At that point we jogged back over to the Pixie Hollow area. That's when she really stopped to ponder the whole thing. She nervously asked, "Mommy, what if it's NOT true? What if Tinkerbell doesn't know? What if she doesn't tell The Tooth Fairy?" I assured her that Tinkerbell WOULD know and that The Tooth Fairy WOULD come, because of The Tooth Fairy's "radar". (referring to the "Rise of the Guardians" movie). She decided she WAS ready to leave her tooth behind...inside of Disneyland...but we weren't exactly prepared to bury it, for fear of getting into trouble. So...she took the tooth out of her necklace, held it in her hand, closed her eyes, made a wish, and tossed it over her shoulder and into the flowers at Pixie Hollow! I had to choke back my tears! 
When Emi woke up this morning, she found pixie dust all over her pillow and her face and money in her tooth fairy pillow! Phew! 
I'm pretty sure Emi's going to start a new trend if she tells all of her friends that the story is actually true....If you lose a tooth inside Disneyland and leave it there, Tinkerbell WILL alert The Tooth Fairy AND she'll visit your home as well! She now has the "pixie dust" on her pillow to prove it's true! 

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