Friday, May 23, 2014

How I Got My Child to LOVE Brussels Sprouts!

My daughter, Emily, loves most vegetables! It sometimes surprises me when I see her conquer a pile of spinach or a mound of asparagus because I certainly didn't feel that way about veggies when I was a kid! I actually remember washing my veggies down with milk and trying not to taste them! 
Lately, I've been in search of some of new recipes to incorporate different veggies into Emi's veggie repertoire. Personally, I find that just asking other mom friends what they do is much easier than looking online. I think you get more authentic advice doing so. 
Last month, on the car ride to one of our cheer competitions, I chit chatted with one of my cheer mom friends about things that she makes for her kids. She proceeded to describe how she makes these brussels sprouts that her kids actually fight over! Seriously? It seemed to good to be true but I was up for the challenge! I made a mental note that I was going to attempt to make them sometime in the near future and I finally found time to do so the other day. Of course, at that point I couldn't remember the recipe, but being the texting queen that I am, I just did this: 
Who needs recipe cards or cookbooks, right?
It seemed simple enough. I actually bought a package of the pre-cut ones. I threw them into the glass baking dish, drizzled the olive oil on them, shook on some salt, pepper, and garlic powder, and popped them into the oven at 385 for 20 minutes, just like she said. When I stirred them at 10 minutes, they were already looking yummy! At around 20 minutes, they looked good to me...with some crispy parts. I forgot to mention that I had never really eaten brussels sprouts before either. Honestly, they just never appealed to me, but now I needed to set an example for Emily, right? 
I tried one when they came out of the oven and WHOA!!! So yummy! The true test would come though when Emi tried them. She had a weird face when I set  them in front of her, but I let her know that this was "Ms. Jonnelle's recipe" and that her own kids fought over how many they each got, so that was kind of a game changer. (For some reason if it's from someone else it always seems to make it better!) 
At first Emi seemed hesitant but then I told her to try one of the brown parts and I think that's when she was hooked! She almost ate the entire dish I gave her BEFORE touching any of the coconut panko crusted chicken tenders I served with it! At this point, I think I did "The Mommy Happy Dance"! Another victory! Yay! 

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