Tuesday, March 4, 2014

DIY Festive Masks for Mardi Gras

We decided to celebrate "Fat Tuesday", this last day of Carnival (Mardi Gras), by decorating some festive masks to wear! Emi and I love anything and everything with a little bling, so when we made a stop at Hobby Lobby, we threw a big container of multi-colored rhinestones and some brightly colored feathers into our shopping cart, along with a couple of plain white masks.
 As soon as we got home, our "Battle of the Glue Guns" began! 
(note: Emi is almost 9 and now uses the glue gun on her own, but only when I'm supervising her) 
I think we each had a different idea in our head of how we wanted to decorate our masks. I tend to gravitate towards the pinks. Emi, on the other hand, was determined to make more of a rainbow arrangement of gems on her mask and started by gluing the larger-sized stones down to the smaller ones. She also included eyelash details on her mask.
Little did I know that when Emi finished her mask, she wouldn't just stop there, she needed to grab one of her Barbies and get HER ready for Mardi Gras! After Barbie was done receiving a festive makeover, Emi looked at me and said, "Look Mommy, she's ready for Barbie Gras now!"
Doing something like this is so easy and quite therapeutic. It was nice for me to put aside my cell phone and my long to-do list and for Emi to procrastinate doing her homework (hehe!) so that we could just sit and talk while, we sorted and glued gems and decorated our masks. I think this kind of activity also ties in with what I blogged about in my last post, getting back to what's really important..these moments. It makes me realize that I should UNPLUG at times like this and enjoy that moment WITH Emi! It isn't just about letting her be a kid or having time for imaginary play or having time for being creative, but it's also about me getting down there with her and interacting with her.  I think so often as parents, we just get our kids situated with something, like a toy, a show, or an activity, and then go do what we need to do, whether it be to wash dishes, make dinner, fold laundry or get online. We're all so busy all of the time, that we're missing the moments. Of course we also have to be realistic because all of things also DO need to get done, but there has to be a way to find balance and/or let some of it go, so we can focus on our kids more. End of rant.

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