Monday, March 3, 2014

Our Own Oscar Party at Home

I literally spent the weekend cleaning the house. I actually felt like I'd accomplished something in the way of achieving "clean house status" yesterday, and the way I know I've reached that point is because I finally vacuum everything and make vacuum lines to finish off a room. Let me just tell you that cleaning my house always includes a sorting of Legos, Calico Critters, Strawberry Shortcake toys, American Girl accessories and a grip of art supplies. Although I do enlist Emi's help with this, I also need things to be put back in an orderly fashion, so obviously I'm heavily involved in the organizing.
After I mentioned something to Emi yesterday afternoon about watching "The Red Carpet", a lightbulb must've turned on in her head! It seemed that she immediately started planning her own version of an at-home Oscar celebration. She started pulling out every towel in our linen closet that had red in it, and was taping them down, on the floor together along our kitchen floor, with regular scotch tape. Then I watched her make a minimum of 4 trips up and down the stairs to get bring every trophy she's ever earned, down from her room, which she let me know were going to be our "Oscars".  At first I was hesitant and found myself saying "not right now" about what she was trying to do, because I didn't want the living room to get messed up after I'd JUST cleaned it all up. That's when I stopped to think about whether that was really so important? She's 8 and has the most incredible imagination ever and why would I want to put a stop to that? So I could have my clean living room? THAT'S what I had to ask myself and it was at that point I decided to just sit back and let her do whatever it was she intended to do. Emi envisioned our Red Carpet to look a certain way and was planning our entire Oscars event, and that's just what I allowed her to do.
After she was done laying down our beach towel version of the red carpet, she proceeded to make each of us a "VIP Ticket", which we had to wear around our necks. Every time we entered or exited the kitchen, she had to check it to make sure it was us.
She also had a clipboard with the names of those who were allowed to enter the our Oscar ceremony.  If your name wasn't on that list, you weren't getting into OUR Oscars ceremony last night!
Did I mention that the area was roped off, with curling ribbon, and we had to wait until she cut the ribbon to get in?
In the seating area for our Oscars, aka the living room, she had chairs set up with drinks at a little table and a sign on the table that said "Reservation". (I think she meant "Reserved")
She tried her hardest to get me to change into a fancy dress, but I was already a lost cause in my pjs, as was her daddy. As we sat on the couch, watching the real Oscars on TV, Emi kept presenting us with "Oscars" for different things, as she stood underneath the TV. I think I won for "Best Female Chef" and another one for something else that's hilarious but I won't mention here on my blog! (hehe!) Daddy won the Oscar for "Best Male Chef" and something else too. We were both lucky because each time we won, Emi was the one who stood up and made a speech for us!
Emi never ceases to amaze us with her imagination and creativity and I couldn't stop giggling when she came over and presented us with our "swag bags"! Each one said "Swag" on it, and contained a snack-sized bag of either Christmas or Valentine's M&M's, a JIF peanut butter to-go, and a hot pink paper straw! Seriously, does she know how to hook us up or what?
Did I mention that Emi got our cat to walk our red carpet to accept her Oscar for "Best Kitty"?
It was so much fun watching the Oscars while we had our own celebration at home with Emi. Don't get me wrong, by the end of the night, my living room looked like someone threw a high school party in it, but I have to ask myself if worrying about having a clean house is worth her NOT getting to have that time to engage in imaginary play? I know many parents would probably not allow this. I've even heard people making comments about how when they were little, they could ONLY play like that in their own room, but I think the tradeoff is worth it. My house isn't on the market and up for sale. I didn't have guests coming over later. My mother-in-law wasn''t coming over anytime soon to do the white glove test. If there's no real reason to say no, then why do so? I'm fine with knowing that sometimes I've gotta go with the flow and live in the moment! How many more moments like this are going to come along? This is what life is all about for in these moments with Emi!

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